Nhảy tới nội dung

Linking Sentences Together: Introduction

In order to build our sentences in English, we have a number of different words that we use that hold them together like “and”, “with”, “but”, and so on. These types of words also exist in Vietnamese but, unlike in English, Vietnamese has a big category for all of these different words. Everything that links sentences together into one category known as Quan Hệ Từ, or “relational words”. So how do we tackle this? Instead of going through every single one of these words in English, and translating them into Vietnamese here, instead we are going to go over a list of common words that really don’t fit into any other categories. A lot of these words happen to also relate to things like time and location which are covered later so we can skip them for now. We’re also going to separate them the same way we do in English just to make things easier on our self