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The Letters

A aĂ ă âB bC cD dĐ đ
aábê / bờxê / cờdê / dờđê / đờ
E eÊ êG gH hI iK kL l
eêgiê / gờhát / hờica / kờ(e) lờ
M mN nO oÔ ôƠ ơP pQ q
(e) mờ(e) nờoôơpê / pờcu / quờ
R rS sT tU uƯ ưV vX x
(e) rờét xì / sờtê / tờuưvê / vờÍch xì / xờ
Y yLetterDisclaimer: The pronunciation on the bottom is only for how the letter itself is said, the letter may sound different within an actual word
i cờ rétNorth (Bắc) / South (Nam)

Now that we have the alphabet in front of us, we can see that the letters are mostly familiar looking to an English speaker, but slightly wackier. A lot of the letters can be directly tied to their English counterparts, however, there are many pitfalls that you might end up running into if you aren’t careful.